"I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears."
-Psalm 34:4
Generally, changes are difficult, we cannot always adapt well, because they take us out of our comfort zone and force us to rethink our routines again. Many times, they produce resistance, boredom and fear in us. It is not a secret that this year in particular has been full of drastic changes for all of us; the news, the media and social networks, every day, are loaded with information that mostly scares us. And when we are scared, we not only rush out to buy 20 packs of toilet paper, but we also become paralyzed and stagnant.
Certainly we must be cautious and abide by the measures imposed by our authorities but we must not live in fear, fleeing from things that have already been brought to light, because the word of God came to give light to our lives, and when Christ lives in us, already there is no darkness; if there is no darkness, there must be no fear.
It is normal that we can feel some anxiety with our changing daily environment, but we cannot live in fear. On a daily basis, our mind is a battlefield, where we are bombarded with thoughts that depend on the environment, personal experiences that will produce anxiety, anguish, worries, fear, among many others, to the point that many times, it will take away our sleep and steal our peace.
But ... What to do then? ... The Lord, through his Word, has given us tools to combat fear in our lives:
1.) Submit all our thoughts to Christ: God has given us powerful spiritual weapons in Him, to fight and win the good fight. As children of God, we have the Holy Spirit, who leads us into all truth. We must submit our minds to the sovereignty of Christ. "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but powerful in God for the destruction of strongholds, overturning arguments and every arrogance that rises against the knowledge of God, and taking captive every thought to the obedience of Christ" (2 Corinthians 10 : 4-5).
2.) Fill your mind and your heart with the Word of God: which gives us freedom, transforming our mind and heart. "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32
3.) Let Christ live in you: We cannot limit Jesus to a small corner of our heart. He has to fill all the spaces and we must begin to learn to diminish ourselves so that He increases in us. Only He is able to remove all our fears: “In love there is no fear, but perfect love casts out fear; because fear carries with it punishment. Whence he who fears, he is not made perfect in love ” (1 John 4:18).
Christ is the perfect love and only through him can we be free from all our fears. Make the decision to trust Jesus today, and allow Him to deliver you from your fears. Put your hope in God's will, trust his Word and not what could happen tomorrow.
Lord, I ask you to be you freeing me from all fear.
Help me to trust you and set my eyes on your will and purpose for my life. Thank you Lord, because I recognize that it is Your love that frees me from all fear.
Love In Times of Pandemic | Devotionals | ALTAR Church